Thursday, March 24, 2005

I found this pretty funny albeit racist..
2 men 1 woman
Two Italian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The two fought and one KILLED the other to have
the lady.
Two American men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- They both had the lady TOGETHER.
Two Indonesian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man claimed that island is independent
and took the lady as his advisor.
- The second man swam to another island to search for jobs.
Two Thai men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man rented the lady to the second man for 2 baht a night.
Two Filipino men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The first man kidnapped the lady and asked for ransom from the other man.
Two Malaysian men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The lady ACCUSED the first man of sodomizing the other because she was rejected by both.
Two Singaporean men and a lady stranded on a desert island;
- The two men are still waiting for instructions from the GOVERNMENT on how to proceed

Sunday, March 20, 2005

O2B3 goes to pizza hut

02B3 had lunch at Pizza hut on friday :)
Was great to meet you guys again!
Iris, Cecila, Eka, Kin, Sham.. Click here for the pix we took!
Love u guys!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Monday Meetings

I'm definitely getting used to our Monday meetings..
It's something I really look forward to each week.. what else could be better then food, movies and girl talk on a weekly basis?
Next Monday my tuition class has been postponed so I dont have to leave early :)
I love you guys.. you know that right?
Today was a blast.. Iris & Cass, thanks for joining us :)
Can't wait till next week.. we'll watch the ntebook next!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I know the date when the results will be released two weeks ago. I didnt exactly panic. Not really anyway. I just reacted like how i was suppose to i think. You know like goin: "Oh my god!!!! Are you serious??" that kinda stuff.

Ive been calm, rational and at peace actually.I was walking around some CD shop when Rathiy sms me that results are this friday at 2.30 compliments of CNA.
I dont hit home. Like reality finally sink in.
I know then my heart skip a beat.
I took a deep breath and whoosh...
Panicky still but...calmer i guess.
Maybe becuz i kept pushing it aside.

Out of sight. way out of mind.

Stupid really. I guess we panic cuz there's nothing we can do.
So by sayin that we have to relax since there is nothing we can do is kinda dumb huh?

Dream one:
Taking the results.
I was in front of Northland sec general office. On the waiting bench sat Cikgu Ahmad. He was giving out our A level papers. stacks of paper
on the floor near him. Me, Sham and Darwina started rummaggin around to get our papers. I found Win's Malay A paper. She got an A.yep. I was rushing to find mine...when i finally did, i found my GP script. I flipped through it. For the first section i got 0/20. second section 0/20, last section 10/10...
I woke up.

Dream two:
We (ELKS) came late for the result takin on purpose.
In the audi there was only me, Kin and a few other 02B3 whom i didnt exactly notice. And of course, Mr Raj was there sittin down. On the table where he was sitting, lay a SLICE of pizza* on a plate.
Kin was called.
She came to the front and Raj gave her results. She turned afterwards, look at me straight in the eye and her mouth contorted in a way as if to hide her emotion. In my head i wasnt sure if she was trying not to cry or laugh. But in my heart i know she was really relieved somehow. She just ran out of the audi.

I heard Rathiy's name being called. Then mine. I went to Raj. He gave me the history paper back. Said something about how the markers had a prob with my history script becuz they arent sure whether to give me 51 or 55. Something about how my hys p2 i got a 21. Then he gave me my SCIENCE or MATHS paper. There was tons and tons pf remarks all over the paper scribbled in red pen. Mr Raj said i was not at all tidy in my work and had a lot of careless mistake.Then he was about to pass me my GP when i got a call or something or somebody said take a break.

I got out of audi and walked. Just kept walking cuz i was in a blur. I thought i already got all myresults. I walked to the bustop which was at Yishun to wait for 28 togo home. Then i remembered that i have not really gotten all my results. I look up and saw the bus. I called kin. Kin said dont board on bus. Not yet. So i went back to school. i walked through the back of the general office and met kin. She was with some guy. I talked with her. She seems contented. Then i went back to Raj.

Raj was a little annoyed that i left for so long. Something about if i cared for my results.

Anyway, before i got my GP paper, i woke up.

Dream three:
I was at my primary school canteen then suddenly there was more stalls then ever. Like some beach road hawker centre at a stretch. I was just walking wandering what to buy. Then this chinese woman dressed in an all business women suit came to me with a tray full of bowls of noodle and soup. Told me to carry it for her to someplace. Half way, we saw a portable shop selling accesories. she told me to help her find some good accessories. I put the tray i was carrying down and went in the
shop. Then i met my aunts. Noni said something about how she was there bcuz she gotta change wood or something.

Then suddenly i was on this bus with Celia and ELKS and of course my aunts. We were the only ones there and it felt as if we hired a private bus to take us to the result.

On the bus i was anxiously tellin CELKS about dream number one and two. Evryone was listenin except for Kin. She had her earphones on,music blaring. After i told them my dreams, everyone gave comments.

Then we alight. Just CELKS. My aunts on the bus still.As the bus was about to move, my aunts called out, telling the bus driver to stop. My aunt asked of anyone had left their wallt on the bus cuz there is one lying on the bus seat.

When we said none of us did, the bus move on.Kin still had her earphones on. Didnt hear a thing.

I asked what song she listening to.
She took out the cassette cover with a grin on her face.

"Seribu lagu melayu"

In the dream, I had a sudden Deja Vu. Like i had a dream that its some kind of inside joke between me and Kin. Something about how she wanted to lend me that cassette a while back bcuz she knows i dread malay songs.

On we walked. Were at Chomp pang somehow, heading towards Northland sec. We walked two by two. me and sham in front, leanna and kin at back. (I have no idea where Cecelia went to)

Then me and sham heard some foot steps coming up front. we look ahead and saw the pinkest pig i have ever seen.It was sniffing like a dog.

Sham pulled me just in time.then we just continue walking.

then we heard the same footstep, this time from the back. We turn around and saw the pig coming towards us. Sham said we should take a shortcut. We walked up to the 2bnd floor of the community centre.

When we went down the stair, we saw kids doing aerobics. In another room, we saw Mr Ser and Lai running on a treadmill.

Giggling we continued on our way. We walked past a shop sellinh toys, seem tobe in the middle of an investigation of some sort. 2 cops talking to the owner. we past them. I told sham i need to get something to drink or eat or something. Then

i woke up.

Now, dream one was a like two weeks ago. Dream two and dream three was such that i woke up, realise about dream two and telling myslef i should tell ELKS then i went back to sleep. Thats when i dreamt dream three.




Anymore dreams??
Yep. Way before my A-level, i dreamt that we were collecting the results on line. Everyone was at my place. Esther got distinction for everything. I got an E for econs. Yep then i woke up.

Then in december, i dreamt me and sham went out to eat after the first paper of the day. then we got lost and was way late for the 2nd paper.I mean we were still lost at night. I started crying and called my mom and told her what happen. she said it was alright. I woke up.

Wow...takin A level have side effects. it haunts your sub-consciousness.
